Q. តើប្រើប្រាស់ Function manipulator សម្រាប់ធ្វើការងារអ្វី?
A. Function manipulator គឺជាអនុគម៍ដែលមានស្រាប់របស់ steam Input /Output ដែលត្រូវបានគេប្រើប្រាស់សម្រាប់ធ្វើការផ្លាស់ប្ដូរលក្ខណះរបស់ steam Input /Output។
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dos.h>
#define gt gotoxy
#define tc textcolor
#define tb textbackground
struct dosdate_t date ;
/*Function shows current time*/
void cur_time()
char *mer = (char *)malloc(2*sizeof(char)) ;
while( !kbhit() ){
struct dostime_t t ;
_dos_gettime(&t) ;
gt (28,21) ; tb( 0 ) ; tc(15) ;
if (t.hour<12) mer = “AM” ;
else strcpy (mer,”PM”) ;
if (t.hour>12) t.hour = t.hour – 12 ;
cprintf (” Current Time: %d:%02d:%02d %s”,t.hour,t.minute,t.second,mer) ;
void public_day() ;
//****************** main ******************
void main(){
/*Declare the name of day*/
char *day[] = {“Sun”,”Mon”,”Tue”,”Wed”,”Thu”,”Fri”,”Sat”} ;
/*Declare the name of month*/
char *month[] = {“Jan”,”Feb”,”Mar”,”Apr”,”May”,”Jun”,”Jul”,”Aug”,”Sep”,”Oct”,”Nov”,”Dec”} ;
char ca[]=”Calendar of year” ;
/*declare how many day per month*/
long tdm[] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31} ;
long year,i,j,n,T,Startday,color,k=0,ch,endday,to,lastday ;
tb(0) ; window(0,0,80,25) ; clrscr() ; tc(15) ;
gt(16,5) ; cprintf(” This program is show calendar of each years”) ;
gt(23,18); tc(3) ; cprintf(” Prepared by:”) ;
gt(37,18); tc(10); cprintf(“Vuthdara “) ;
_setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR) ; tc(6) ;
gt(18,11) ; cprintf(“º º”) ;
gt(18,13) ; cprintf(“º º”) ;
gt(42,11) ; clreol() ;
gt(53,11) ; tc(6) ; cprintf(“º”) ;
gt(20,11) ; tc(15) ; cprintf(“Please enter the year:”) ;
gt(42,11) ; scanf(“%ld”,&year) ;
if (year<=0 || year>=999999999) goto iy ;
gt(40,13) ; clreol() ;
gt(53,13) ; tc(6) ; cprintf(“º”) ;
gt(20,13) ; tc(15) ; cprintf(“and enter the month:”) ;
gt(40,13) ; scanf(“%ld”,&k) ;
if (k<1 || k>12) goto im ;
else k– ;
_setcursortype(_NOCURSOR) ;
for (i=0;i<strlen(ca);i++) { gt(30+strlen(ca)-1-i,2) ; cprintf(“%c”,ca[strlen(ca)-1-i]) ; delay(30) ;}
for (i=0;i<strlen(ca);i++) { gt(30+strlen(ca)-1-i,2) ; cprintf(” “) ; delay(30) ; }
for (i=0;i<strlen(ca);i++) { gt(30+i,2) ; cprintf(“%c”,ca[i]) ; delay(30) ; }
gt(47,2) ; cprintf(“%ld”,year) ;
tb(14) ; tc(WHITE) ; gt(5,23);cprintf(” nput year “) ;
gt(43,23) ; cprintf(” P blic holiays “) ;
gt(23,23) ; cprintf(” Current ate “) ;
gt(65,23) ; cprintf(” E it = Esc “) ;
tc(10) ;
gt(6,23) ; cprintf(“I”) ; gt(45,23) ; cprintf(“u”) ;
gt(32,23) ; cprintf(“d”) ; gt(67,23) ; cprintf(“x”) ;
tb(0) ; tc(3) ;
gt(6,24) ; cprintf(“ßßßßßßßßßßßß”) ;
gt(17,23) ; cprintf(“Ü”) ;
gt(24,24) ; cprintf(“ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß”) ;
gt(37,23) ; cprintf(“Ü”) ;
gt(44,24) ; cprintf(“ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß”) ;
gt(59,23) ; cprintf(“Ü”) ;
gt(66,24) ; cprintf(“ßßßßßßßßßßßß”) ;
gt(77,23) ; cprintf(“Ü”) ;
gt(2,10) ; cprintf(“%c increase year” ,24) ;
gt(65,10) ; cprintf(“%c increase month”,26) ;
gt(2,12) ; cprintf(“%c decrease year” ,25) ;
gt(65,12) ; cprintf(“%c decrease month”,27) ;
tc(7) ;
gt(7,25) ; cprintf(“Prepared by: Vuthdara “) ;
tb(0) ; to=0 ; lastday = 0 ;
/*Formula of the firstday(1 Jan)*/
T = ((year-1)*365) + ((year-1)/4) – ((year-1)/100) + ((year-1)/400) + 1 ;
Startday = T % 7 ;
/*Form of Leap year or not*/
tdm[1]=(!((year%4) || !(year%100) && (year%400)))? 29 : 28 ;
{ for (i=0;i<k;i++) to = to + tdm[i] ;
lastday = to % 7 ; }
Startday = Startday + lastday ;
_dos_getdate(&date) ;
j = 0 ; tb(0) ; tc(15) ;
gt(47,2) ; clreol() ;
gt(30,2) ; cprintf(“Calendar of year %ld”,year) ;
gt(36,3) ; cprintf(” ÄÄÄÄÄÄ”) ;
gt(39,4) ; cprintf(“%s”,month[k]) ;
/*the last day in the month*/
endday = tdm[k] ;
tc(11) ;
gt(21,6) ; cprintf(“º º”) ;
gt(22,8) ; cprintf(” ” ) ;
for (i=0;i<10;i++) { gt(21,10+i) ; cprintf(” ” ) ; }
for (i=0;i<7;i++)
{ if (i==0) color = 12 ;
else color = 7 ;
gt(24+5*i,6) ; tc(color) ; cprintf(“%s”,day[i]) ; }
{ if(Startday>6) { Startday = Startday – 7 ; j++ ; }
if(Startday==0) color = 12 ;
else color = 7 ;
/*public day*/
if(k==0) if(i==1 || i==7) color = 12 ;
if(k==2) if(i==8) color = 12 ;
if(k==3) if(i==13 || i==14 || i==15 || i==16 || i==30) color = 12 ;
if(k==4) if(i==1) color = 12 ;
if(k==5) if(i==1 || i==18) color = 12 ;
if(k==8) if(i==24) color = 12 ;
if(k==9) if(i==23 || i==30 || i==31) color = 12 ;
if(k==10)if(i==1 || i==9) color = 12 ;
if(k==11)if(i==10) color = 12 ;
if(Startday==0) color = 12 ;
if(i==1) j = 0 ;
/*show the current date*/
((i==date.day) && ((k+1)==date.month) && (year==date.year)) ?
tb(9) : tb(0) ;
/*Output calendar of each month*/
gt(25+5*Startday,8+2*j) ; tc(color) ; cprintf(“%ld”,i) ;
Startday++ ;
tc(11) ; tb(0) ;
for (i=8;i<=8+2*j;i++) { gt(21,i) ; cprintf(“º”) ;
gt(59,i) ; cprintf(“º”) ; }
cur_time() ; /*call function for time*/
ch = getch() ;
{ if (k<11) k++ ;
else { k=0 ; year++ ; }
goto tt ; }
else if(ch==72) { year++ ; goto tt ; }
else if(ch==80) {
if(year>1) year– ; goto tt ; }
else if(ch==75) {
if(k>0) k = k – 1 ;
else { if(year>1) { year– ; k = 11 ; }
else k=0 ; }
goto tt ; }
else if(ch==27 || ch==’x’ || ch==’X’) exit(1) ;
else if(ch==’d’ || ch==’D’) { k=date.month-1 ; year=date.year ; goto tt ; }
else if(ch==’I’ || ch==’i’) { clrscr() ; goto start; }
else if(ch==’u’ || ch==’U’) { public_day() ; clrscr() ; goto tha ; }
else goto again ;
/****************** End main *******************/
void public_day ()
int i,j = 0 ;
clrscr() ;
tc(3) ; gt(3,5) ; cprintf(“É”) ;
gt(78,5) ; cprintf(“»”) ;
for(i=0;i<74;i++) { gt(4+i,5) ; cprintf(“Í”) ; gt(4+i,21) ; cprintf(“Í”) ; }
for(i=0;i<15;i++) { gt(3,i+6) ; cprintf(“º”) ; gt(78,i+6) ; cprintf(“º”) ;
gt(41,i+6); cprintf(“³”) ; }
gt(3,21) ; cprintf(“È”) ; gt(78,21) ; cprintf(“¼”) ;
gt(41,5) ; cprintf(“Ñ”) ; gt(41,21) ; cprintf(“Ï”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(7,7) ; cprintf(“1-Jan : “) ;
tc(7) ; cprintf(“New Year”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(7,9) ; cprintf(“7-Jan : “) ;
tc(7) ; cprintf(“Liberation Day”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(7,11) ; cprintf(“8-Mar : “) ;
tc(7) ; cprintf(“Women’s Day”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(7,13) ; cprintf(“13,14,15,16 Apr : “) ;
tc(7) ; cprintf(“Khmer New Year”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(7,15) ; cprintf(“30-Apr : “);
tc(7) ; cprintf(“Royal Plowing Day”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(7,17) ; cprintf(“1-May : “) ;
tc(7) ; cprintf(“Labor Day”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(7,19) ; cprintf(“1-Jun : “) ;
tc(7) ; cprintf(“Children’s Day”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(44,7) ; cprintf(“18-Jun : “);
tc(7) ; cprintf(“Queen’s Birthday”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(44,9) ; cprintf(“24-Sep : “);
tc(7) ; cprintf(“Royal Re-coronation Day”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(44,11); cprintf(“23-Oct : “);
tc(7) ; cprintf(“Paris Peace Accord”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(44,13); cprintf(“30,31-Oct : “);
tc(7) ; cprintf(“King’s Birthday”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(44,15); cprintf(“1-Nov : “) ;
tc(7) ; cprintf(“King’s Birthday”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(44,17); cprintf(“9-Nov : “) ;
tc(7) ; cprintf(“Independence Day”) ;
tc(1) ; gt(44,19); cprintf(“10-Dec : “);
tc(7) ; cprintf(“Human Rights Day”) ;
gt(18,23); cprintf(“All of these days started to practice since 1994”) ;
tc(14+BLINK) ; gt(28,24) ; cprintf(“Press Any Key to go back…..”) ;
if(i>15) i = 1 ;
if(j>10) j = 0 ;
tc(15) ; gt(34,4) ; cprintf(” ÍÍÍÍÍÍ “) ;
tc(i) ; gt(34,3) ; cprintf(“PUBLIC HOLIDAYS”) ;
tc(j) ; gt(35+j,4); cprintf(“Í”) ;
i++ ; j++ ; }