Facebook Social Toolkit License Key by Tigerzplace | FST 2.3.10 License Key 2017

Facebook Social Toolkit License Key by Tigerzplace | FST 2.3.10 License Key 2017

Using license of toolkit for facebook you can get all the premium scripts and tools to use on facebook.

I have patch and license for previous version as well. You can check it out @

For this version (2.3.10) I’ll be sharing my license for free.

You can install facebook social toolkit 2.3.10 @ : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/de…

Once you add it to chrome then just open https://www.facebook.com and open the toolkit. Use any premium tool you want and use the following license.

Email : fst@tigerzplace.com
License Key : 6117

It will work fine (Y).

If you can’t find fst 2.3.10 on chrome store then you may need to add the extension manually but it will not work on chrome.
For that first download Comodo Dragon : https://www.comodo.com/home/browsers-…

Once you install Comodo Dragon , now download the extension from below link:

FST 2.3.10: http://adf.ly/1m805i
alt link : http://www.mediafire.com/file/9qby1ti…

After downloading you will get rar file , just extract the file using winrar.
If you don’t have winrar , you can download it from here : http://www,rarlab.com

Anyway after extraction you will get crx file.
(FSt 2.3.10.crx)

Just open your comodo dragon and go to extension tab. You can use this direct URL as well : chrome://extensions/

On extension tab drag and drop the crx file and it will install facebook social toolkit.
Now just open the toolkit and using the license below you can use the toolkit.

Email : fst@tigerzplace.com
License Key : 6117

That’s all you need to do . Hope you will like it πŸ˜‰


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For more tricks and stuff visit :
Enjoy ☺

Video Facebook Social ToolkitΒ 
